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LifeType 中文開發論壇  |  支援  |  安裝與設定  |  升級 1.0.1後出現 error 訊息 « 上篇主題 下篇主題 »
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作者 主題: 升級 1.0.1後出現 error 訊息  (閱讀 7810 次)
文章: 2

« 於: 七月 11, 2005, 07:28:14 下午 »

小弟將PLOG 1.0 升級到1.0.1後,首頁就一直出現下列的訊息。請求大家的協助。謝謝!!

nternalErrorHandler" ); // and now we say what we would like to see ?> unlink( $inFile ); return TRUE; } /** * copies a file from one place to another. * This method is always static * * @param inFile * @param destFile * @return True if successful or false otherwise * @static */ function copy( $inFile, $outFile ) { return @copy( $inFile, $outFile ); } /** * changes the permissions of a file, via PHP's chmod() function * * @param inFile The name of the file whose mode we'd like to change * @param mode The new mode, or if none provided, it will default * to 0644 * @return true if successful or false otherwise * @static */ function chMod( $inFile, $mode = 0644 ) { return chmod( $inFile, $mode ); } /** * returns true if the file exists. * * Can be used as an static method if a file name is provided as a * parameter * @param fileName optinally, name of the file whose existance we'd * like to check * @return true if successful or false otherwise */ function exists( $fileName = null ) { if( $fileName == null ) $fileName = $this->_fileName; clearstatcache(); return file_exists( $fileName ); } /** * returns true if the file could be touched * * Can be used to create a file or to reset the timestamp. * @return true if successful or false otherwise * @see PHP Function touch() * */ function touch( $fileName = null ) { if( $fileName == null ) return false; return touch($fileName); } } ?> >_messages, $locale->getStrings()); return true; } else{ return false; } } } ?> Reverting to PHP built-in mail() functionality" )); } // we have set up everything, send the mail return( $mail->Send()); } } ?> ary caches because we have added or removed // posts or done something that might affect the summary! if( $resetSummary ) CacheControl::clearSummaryCache(); return true; } } ?>
Exception message: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/object/exception.class.php:100)
Error code: 2
-- Backtrace --
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/net/http/session/sessionmanager.class.php(41): session_start
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/index.php(33): sessionmanager.init

Exception message: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/object/exception.class.php:100)
Error code: 2
-- Backtrace --
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/net/http/session/sessionmanager.class.php(41): session_start
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/index.php(33): sessionmanager.init
much overhead when generating the view... // $this->setValue( 'locale', $this->_blogInfo->getLocale()); $this->setValue( 'version', Version::getVersion()); $this->setValue( 'now', new Timestamp()); $this->setValue( 'blog', $this->_blogInfo ); $this->setValue( 'url', $this->_blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator()); $this->setValue( 'utils', $this->_blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator()); $this->setValue( 'blogsettings', $this->_blogInfo->getSettings()); $this->setValue( 'rss', new RssParser()); // ask the parent to do something, if needed parent::render(); } } ?>
Exception message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/object/exception.class.php:100)
Error code: 2
-- Backtrace --
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/view.class.php(172): header
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/view.class.php(309): defaultview.sendcontenttype
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/smartyview.class.php(163): view.render
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/blogview.class.php(212): smartyview.render
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/defaultview.class.php(82): blogview.render
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/controller/controller.class.php(325): defaultview.render
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/index.php(44): blogcontroller.process

Exception message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/object/exception.class.php:100)
Error code: 2
-- Backtrace --
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/smartyview.class.php(178): header
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/blogview.class.php(212): smartyview.render
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/view/defaultview.class.php(82): blogview.render
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/class/controller/controller.class.php(325): defaultview.render
/home/a3gpoint/public_html/plog/index.php(44): blogcontroller.process

我的BLOG 網址 http://www.3gpoint.com/plog
Apache 版本 1.3.33 (Unix)  
MySQL 版本 4.0.24-standard  
PHP 版本 4.3.11  
PERL 版本 5.8.0
文章: 3928

Mark Wu

檢視個人資料 個人網站
« 回覆文章 #1 於: 七月 12, 2005, 10:32:19 上午 »



頁: [1]
LifeType 中文開發論壇  |  支援  |  安裝與設定  |  升級 1.0.1後出現 error 訊息 « 上篇主題 下篇主題 »