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LifeType 中文開發論壇  |  支援  |  安裝與設定  |  安装时候这个错误要怎么解决呢? « 上篇主題 下篇主題 »
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作者 主題: 安装时候这个错误要怎么解决呢?  (閱讀 7226 次)
文章: 24

« 於: 四月 11, 2005, 12:11:13 下午 »


Database Info
New table Map of categories to articles created successfully.
New table Definition of custom fields created successfully.
New table Custom fields that have been assigned to articles created successfully.
New table Text of the articles created successfully.
** New tables created successfully **

Error modifying table Articles: Table 'thiscn.articles' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Article Categories: Table 'thiscn.articles_categories' doesn't exist
Error modifying table User Comments: Table 'thiscn.articles_comments' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Notifications: Table 'thiscn.articles_notifications' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Blogs: Table 'thiscn.blogs' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Referrers: Table 'thiscn.referers' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Trackbacks: Table 'thiscn.trackbacks' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Filtered Content: Table 'thiscn.filtered_content' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Blocked hosts: Table 'thiscn.host_blocking_rules' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Gallery Albums: Table 'thiscn.gallery_albums' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Gallery Resources: Table 'thiscn.gallery_resources' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Links: Table 'thiscn.mylinks' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Links Categories: Table 'thiscn.mylinks_categories' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Users: Table 'thiscn.users' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Bayesian Filter data table: Table 'thiscn.bayesian_filter_info' doesn't exist
Error modifying table Permissions: Table 'thiscn.users_permissions' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist
There was an error executing: Table 'thiscn.config' doesn't exist

文章: 3928

Mark Wu

檢視個人資料 個人網站
« 回覆文章 #1 於: 四月 11, 2005, 03:46:18 下午 »

你是不是自行修改過 /config/config.property.php 呢?請用原來的檔案覆蓋再執行一次!

在 pLog 1.0 中,如果 config.properity.php 有任何已經 config 的資料,代表要『升級』。事實上你是要重新安裝的,可是你修改 config.property 後,pLog 就『以為』你要升級,所以就開始進行『升級』的安裝,而非『全新』安裝,當然會錯! 微笑



文章: 24

« 回覆文章 #2 於: 四月 11, 2005, 04:10:19 下午 »


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LifeType 中文開發論壇  |  支援  |  安裝與設定  |  安装时候这个错误要怎么解决呢? « 上篇主題 下篇主題 »