主題: 最近 lifetype1.0.3 常當機!
作者: gtth008 於 三月 16, 2006, 01:41:19 下午
之前使用 plog1.0.1沒什麼問題,前兩星期升級到 lifetype 1.0.3後,開始多災多難的死機, 狀況如下: 系統出現: 1.swap_paper_getswapdpace:failed // (畫面一直重覆,硬碟燈號閃爍不停) 2.plog/tmp下出現sql_error.log,訊息如下: 16-03-2006 13:48:29 ERROR - The following query = SELECT * FROM plog_blogs WHERE id = '171' generated the following error message = Lost connection to MySQL server during query 16-03-2006 13:48:29 ERROR - The following query = SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, MAX(a.date) AS last_update FROM plog_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN plog_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN plog_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id = 1117 AND a.blog_id = '89' AND c.blog_id = '89' GROUP BY c.id generated the following error message = Lost connection to MySQL server during query 16-03-2006 13:48:29 ERROR - The following query = SELECT text,topic FROM plog_articles_text WHERE article_id = '1117' generated the following error message = MySQL server has gone away
我無法判斷是1、2的狀況誰先誰後,希望不會是硬體撐不了。 硬體:CPU PIII 1.2G*2、1024MB RAM、36G SCSI HD、代昇科技I-Chip 也許是我升級做錯了,我是將 lifetype 1.0.3直接上傳覆蓋 plog 1.0.1的目錄,除了./config和 ./gallery目錄外,然後將 ./tmp下的目錄全部清空。 麻煩各位先進解答,謝謝!
主題: Re: 最近 lifetype1.0.3 常當機!
作者: gtth008 於 三月 16, 2006, 02:35:28 下午