LifeType 中文開發論壇

支援 => 安裝與設定 => 主題作者是: davekuo 於 五月 23, 2006, 12:03:34 上午

主題: 如何將sub-domain指到清潔網址 而不是找不到index.html
作者: davekuo五月 23, 2006, 12:03:34 上午

我目前在ipowerweb的share hosting上架設blog
我目前的plog網址設定為清潔網址  (
但當我把sub-domain 的domain設成 也指到清潔網址

老是browser 會連到ndex.html 是否有其它的辦法連到清潔網址所指到的Plog


主題: Re: 如何將sub-domain指到清潔網址 而不是找不到index.html
作者: markwu五月 23, 2006, 10:30:47 下午
Hi Dave:



主題: Re: 如何將sub-domain指到清潔網址 而不是找不到index.html
作者: davekuo五月 27, 2006, 02:13:24 上午
Dear Mark,

HI! I will try to use ENGLISH to explain correctly (I am sorry to use English here)

Basically I am trying to setup my sub-domain configuration in IPowerWeb. In the sub-domain setting, it only allows me to input the absolute path of the sub-domain name which it will map to.

in my case, I want to create a sub-main called "" and it supposed to map to one of the blog which I have created. The absolute path of the blog is "".

The problem the sub-domain setting in IPowerWeb is only to the folder level not the actual file name. Therefore, the sub-domain will try to find the index.html or index.htm in the folder of "/app/blog/2".

Since I don't know what is the actual file name that the blog path name points to, "" is it supposed to something likt /app/blog/2/xxx.file-extension? If yes, then what do I need to do so that it will find to that file instead of pointing to the index.html/index.htm

Hope that the explaination is clear.

主題: Re: 如何將sub-domain指到清潔網址 而不是找不到index.html
作者: jerome五月 28, 2006, 07:39:47 上午
我是用 Redirect to URL

主題: Re: 如何將sub-domain指到清潔網址 而不是找不到index.html
作者: davekuo五月 29, 2006, 10:34:48 下午

Thank you! So let me make sure if I understand:
(1) set the sub-domain, and link it to ""
(2) create a index.html to re-direct to ""

but the problem is that after redirecting, I would still like to see the domain instead of the actual "".

here is example of my re-direction (it will switch after 5 sec)

Can anyone help me?
