主題: 剛剛收到的 Dreamhost 電子報 作者: jerome 於 六月 01, 2006, 09:10:40 上午 有一點非常有趣的,也是以前最被大家詬病的 CPU Usage
他現在表示是這樣 2. No more CPU minute restrictions! "Crazy overselling!" What's that all about? Well, if you like to read, http://blog.dreamhost.com/2006/05/18/the-truth-about-overselling/ will explain it all! And see that little "post-script" at the "bottom"? Well, we're sick and tired of people being sick and tired of getting disabled for "cpu minute" overages! ESPECIALLY when we don't even have any real set "cpu minute" levels for plans, or a tab on our web panel where you can track your usage. So "guess" what?! We've changed our "cpu minute" "policy" "for the better!" We no longer HAVE any limits on "cpu minutes". Maybe it's just semantics, and maybe it's just "crazy overselling", but as long as your site or scripts aren't causing problems with the server, you are IN THE CLEAR! Let's say you're not IN THE CLEAR though.. don't worry! We'll work with you! We're adding a BUNCH of new servers to help "get" the average load per web server down, and we'll work with high-load people to get their usage down or their butts onto a new server that can handle it. What a sweet web host.. let no one accuse US of "crazy overselling," and we won't accuse THEM. 後續值得觀察 :-$ 主題: Re: 剛剛收到的 Dreamhost 電子報 作者: ajer001 於 六月 01, 2006, 09:24:03 上午 不過不知道是不是他主機的關係
雖然ping time滿低的,但是跑Lifetype就是有點慢。 所以我才放棄的T.T 主題: Re: 剛剛收到的 Dreamhost 電子報 作者: jerome 於 六月 01, 2006, 11:09:14 上午 雖然ping time滿低的,但是跑Lifetype就是有點慢。 所以我才放棄的T.T 我對阿駕 哥 新租用的 VPS 比較有興趣耶 :-P 主題: Re: 剛剛收到的 Dreamhost 電子報 作者: ajer001 於 六月 01, 2006, 11:47:55 上午 我才大學畢業而已,小朋友一個XD
我這幾天會寫一篇關於那個vsp和最近問了很多事情的心得,就請期待摟。 主題: Re: 剛剛收到的 Dreamhost 電子報 作者: catseyes 於 六月 02, 2006, 07:23:45 下午 快寫快寫 @Q@ 我對你租用的 VPS 也很有興趣...好用的話我也要來去弄一個 ^^
畢竟已經有人先開路了....呵呵!! 主題: Re: 剛剛收到的 Dreamhost 電子報 作者: jerome 於 六月 02, 2006, 10:04:35 下午 快寫快寫 @Q@ 我對你租用的 VPS 也很有興趣...好用的話我也要來去弄一個 ^^ 畢竟已經有人先開路了....呵呵!! 我每天去翻N次的阿駕的 blog 甚至,我還懷疑是不是 rss reader 故障了 怎麼還沒有看到 :-P 不過,下午連不上 http://twntwn.info/ 耶 :'( |