LifeType 中文開發論壇

測試 => LifeType 1.1 測試 => 主題作者是: markwu 於 七月 26, 2006, 02:35:06 上午

主題: 1.1 Beta1 修正!
作者: markwu七月 26, 2006, 02:35:06 上午
請把下列的程式複製到  ./config/ 後,再行安裝:

# database settings
# Installation instructions:
#   Leave these values blank,
#   and go to the URL where you installed pLog
#   and look at /wizard.php and type the appropriate
#   values in there.
#   This file needs to be writable
#   by whatever user your php scripts run as.
#   The easiest thing to do is to make this file
#   writable by everyone, and then after the wizard
#   completes, remove write privileges from everyone
#   except yourself.
#   remove all files from your old plog directory
#   (back them up somewhere, also backup your current
#    database)
#   Upload new pLog files into the same directory,
#   and then copy your old
#   over this file, and then run the wizard.
#   (note, if upgrading between minor releases:
#   1.0 to 1.0.1, etc. you shouldn't run the wizard)

$config["db_host"] = "";
$config["db_username"] = "";
$config["db_password"] = "";
$config["db_database"] = "";
$config["db_prefix"] = "";
$config["db_character_set"] = "default";
$config["db_persistent"] = true;

釋出時沒注意到,忘了 update config file。
