LifeType 中文開發論壇

支援 => 虛擬主機討論 => 主題作者是: oc 於 四月 03, 2007, 12:43:23 下午

主題: 麻煩:blog.php的CPU資源耗用太多?
作者: oc四月 03, 2007, 12:43:23 下午
Your account "" hosted on server Atlantis is running multiple(over 50) instances of the following script and consuming all the cpu on the server.


This is causing problems for all the other clients/accounts on the server and crashed the server a few minutes back and possibly a couple of times atleast in the last few days. We have moved the folder


outside public_html and renamed it blog.exploit.

Please check with the developers of the scripts/software if there is any issue with it and may need to be upgraded/patched.


主題: Re: 麻煩:blog.php的CPU資源耗用太多?
作者: ajer001四月 03, 2007, 07:20:42 下午

主題: Re: 麻煩:blog.php的CPU資源耗用太多?
作者: minstrel四月 04, 2007, 02:38:14 上午

不曉得這個還會造成當機. 有沒有log可以調出來看呢?

我覺得, 在做這些之前, 似乎該先換主機商. 總覺得國外的虛擬主機商, 都是說停就停, 理由也說得不清不楚..

主題: Re: 麻煩:blog.php的CPU資源耗用太多?
作者: minstrel四月 04, 2007, 02:41:49 上午

什麼計畫啊? 頗好奇..

主題: Re: 麻煩:blog.php的CPU資源耗用太多?
作者: markwu四月 04, 2007, 11:53:25 上午
Your account "" hosted on server Atlantis is running multiple(over 50) instances of the following script and consuming all the cpu on the server.


This is causing problems for all the other clients/accounts on the server and crashed the server a few minutes back and possibly a couple of times atleast in the last few days. We have moved the folder


outside public_html and renamed it blog.exploit.

Please check with the developers of the scripts/software if there is any issue with it and may need to be upgraded/patched.


Hi 老貓:

重點是 50 instance...

我猜你的主機商是用 php-cgi 的方式來執行,所以同時間 你的 blog.php 在他的網站上跑了 50 個程式,代表至少同時間有 50 個人在看你的網站。或是有人在攻擊你的網站。


主題: Re: 麻煩:blog.php的CPU資源耗用太多?
作者: oc四月 10, 2007, 04:23:39 上午

主題: Re: 麻煩:blog.php的CPU資源耗用太多?
作者: markwu四月 10, 2007, 04:02:24 下午
Hi 老貓:

謝謝!還在等 Slicehost 買機器。所以我暫居 dreamhost .....

還好啦,他每天晚上至少 db 都會當一次 ...
