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LifeType 中文開發論壇  |  測試  |  LifeType 1.1 測試  |  about summary.php « 上篇主題 下篇主題 »
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作者 主題: about summary.php  (閱讀 10995 次)
文章: 5

« 於: 五月 06, 2006, 02:37:56 下午 »

为什么在summary.php 上我的Most Active Blogs
Most Commented Articles
Most Read articles

lifetype version is 1.1

我的数据库中lt_articles 表的信息 有两条记录:

1,"2006-05-06 02:15:24","2006-05-06 02:15:24",1,1,1,1,"a:0:{}","welcome",0,0,0,0,1,1

2,"2006-05-06 02:18:12","2006-05-06 02:18:12",1,1,1,1,"a:1:{s:16:\"comments_enabled\";s:1:\"1\";}","wwww",0,0,0,0,1,1


下面是执行summary.php 后的plog.log  文件信息:

06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [summarystats.class.php:274 (Logger:debug)] SummaryStats::getRecentArticles query = SELECT a.*
                 FROM lt_articles a,
                      lt_blogs b
                 WHERE a.date >= 20060429 AND a.date <= 20060506
                       AND a.blog_id = b.id
                       AND b.status = 1
                       AND a.status = 1
                     AND a.in_summary_page = '1' ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 0,15
06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [model.class.php:127 (Logger:debug)] Executing SQL Query: SELECT a.*
                 FROM lt_articles a,
                      lt_blogs b
                 WHERE a.date >= 20060429 AND a.date <= 20060506
                       AND a.blog_id = b.id
                       AND b.status = 1
                       AND a.status = 1
                     AND a.in_summary_page = '1' ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 0,15
06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [summarystats.class.php:214 (Logger:debug)] SummaryStats::getMostActiveBlogs query = SELECT COUNT(a.id) as t, SUM((num_reads / (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(a.date) + 1)) ) as rank, b.*
                      FROM lt_articles AS a
                      INNER JOIN lt_blogs AS b
                      ON b.id = a.blog_id AND b.status = 1
                      WHERE a.date >= 20060429 AND a.date <= 20060506
                 AND in_summary_page = '1' GROUP BY a.id
                      ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT 0,15
06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [model.class.php:127 (Logger:debug)] Executing SQL Query: SELECT COUNT(a.id) as t, SUM((num_reads / (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(a.date) + 1)) ) as rank, b.*
                      FROM lt_articles AS a
                      INNER JOIN lt_blogs AS b
                      ON b.id = a.blog_id AND b.status = 1
                      WHERE a.date >= 20060429 AND a.date <= 20060506
                 AND in_summary_page = '1' GROUP BY a.id
                      ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT 0,15
06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [summarystats.class.php:87 (Logger:debug)] SummaryStats::getMostCommentedArticles query = SELECT a.*
                 FROM lt_articles AS a,
                      lt_blogs b
                 WHERE a.blog_id = b.id
                       AND a.status = 1
                     AND b.status = 1
                     AND a.date <= 20060506
                     AND a.in_summary_page = '1'
                     AND a.num_nonspam_comments > 0
                 ORDER BY a.num_nonspam_comments DESC
                 LIMIT 0, 15
06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [model.class.php:127 (Logger:debug)] Executing SQL Query: SELECT a.*
                 FROM lt_articles AS a,
                      lt_blogs b
                 WHERE a.blog_id = b.id
                       AND a.status = 1
                     AND b.status = 1
                     AND a.date <= 20060506
                     AND a.in_summary_page = '1'
                     AND a.num_nonspam_comments > 0
                 ORDER BY a.num_nonspam_comments DESC
                 LIMIT 0, 15
06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [summarystats.class.php:133 (Logger:debug)] SummaryStats::getMostReadArticles query = SELECT a.*
                 FROM lt_articles a, lt_blogs b
                 WHERE a.status = 1
                 AND a.blog_id = b.id
             AND b.status = 1
                 AND a.date <= 20060506 AND a.date > 20060429
             AND in_summary_page = '1'
             ORDER BY a.num_reads DESC LIMIT 0,15
06-05-2006 07:20:37 DEBUG - [model.class.php:127 (Logger:debug)] Executing SQL Query: SELECT a.*
                 FROM lt_articles a, lt_blogs b
                 WHERE a.status = 1
                 AND a.blog_id = b.id
             AND b.status = 1
                 AND a.date <= 20060506 AND a.date > 20060429
             AND in_summary_page = '1'
             ORDER BY a.num_reads DESC LIMIT 0,15


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LifeType 中文開發論壇  |  測試  |  LifeType 1.1 測試  |  about summary.php « 上篇主題 下篇主題 »