Your account "b-oo-k.net" hosted on server Atlantis is running multiple(over 50) instances of the following script and consuming all the cpu on the server.
This is causing problems for all the other clients/accounts on the server and crashed the server a few minutes back and possibly a couple of times atleast in the last few days. We have moved the folder
outside public_html and renamed it blog.exploit.
Please check with the developers of the scripts/software if there is any issue with it and may need to be upgraded/patched.
Hi 老貓:
重點是 50 instance...
我猜你的主機商是用 php-cgi 的方式來執行,所以同時間 你的 blog.php 在他的網站上跑了 50 個程式,代表至少同時間有 50 個人在看你的網站。或是有人在攻擊你的網站。