頁: [1]
支援 / 安裝與設定 / 问题解决啦
於: 三月 03, 2005, 04:29:43 下午
首先,要感谢mark的热心帮助; 也提醒全新安装plog1.0的朋友,不用修改config.properties.php文件内容,下载了源码只要运行wizard.php ,再添加数据库用户、密码等地址就可以啦。
支援 / 安裝與設定 / plog 1.0的安装还是没有搞定
於: 三月 03, 2005, 03:22:05 下午
Database Info New table Map of categories to articles created successfully. New table Definition of custom fields created successfully. New table Custom fields that have been assigned to articles created successfully. New table Text of the articles created successfully. ** New tables created successfully **
Error modifying table Articles: Table 'plog.plog_articles' doesn't exist Error modifying table Article Categories: Table 'plog.plog_articles_categories' doesn't exist Error modifying table User Comments: Table 'plog.plog_articles_comments' doesn't exist Error modifying table Notifications: Table 'plog.plog_articles_notifications' doesn't exist Error modifying table Blogs: Table 'plog.plog_blogs' doesn't exist Error modifying table Referrers: Table 'plog.plog_referers' doesn't exist Error modifying table Trackbacks: Table 'plog.plog_trackbacks' doesn't exist Error modifying table Filtered Content: Table 'plog.plog_filtered_content' doesn't exist Error modifying table Blocked hosts: Table 'plog.plog_host_blocking_rules' doesn't exist Error modifying table Gallery Albums: Table 'plog.plog_gallery_albums' doesn't exist Error modifying table Gallery Resources: Table 'plog.plog_gallery_resources' doesn't exist Error modifying table Links: Table 'plog.plog_mylinks' doesn't exist Error modifying table Links Categories: Table 'plog.plog_mylinks_categories' doesn't exist Error modifying table Users: Table 'plog.plog_users' doesn't exist Error modifying table Bayesian Filter data table: Table 'plog.plog_bayesian_filter_info' doesn't exist Error modifying table Permissions: Table 'plog.plog_users_permissions' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist There was an error executing: Table 'plog.plog_config' doesn't exist
Database server localhost
Database User nianbai
Database password nianbai
Database table plog
Database prefix plog_