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以上 Orz。
Theme ripoffsMay 15th, 2006
As most of the themes are now on display for the WordPress 2.0 Theme Competition, perhaps a few words are warranted about themes that are being ported and in some cases, blatantly ripped off.
Many of the themes in the Theme Viewer, and indeed within the competition itself, are not original works. This is not a hidden fact. In some cases this is fine because the original designers have no problem with other people taking their themes and using them however they wish. A credit back to the original designer has always been the unspoken rule to follow though, as it signifies respect and credit where it is due, but it is not law. It is up to each designer to make that call.
However, one theme in this competition made my eyes roll as I first laid eyes upon it because it was clearly a ripoff of a very well known design by a very well known designer. My first reaction was to just ignore it and get on with uploading the other themes for the competition. It was a very busy period, with themes flying around every which way, but with my eyes falling out of my head from lack of sleep, I decided to quickly throw the theme online as normal - with a few added features. I made a simple alteration to the enclosed screenshot - a DISQUALIFIED banner right across it - which I thought would show others that we do not tolerate such blatant theft of someone else’s work.
I made a mistake though because I had left the zips in place which meant that others could download the ripoff and use it themselves. This was only online for about 30 minutes and I soon took them down when I realised my error.
There have been quite a few things said about how this was handled, from the original site designer himself and a few people’s opinions on the competition site itself.
I stand by my decision to put the ripoff on display because I think we need to show that this is not acceptable. I knew there would be a reaction and this is a good thing.
Theft should not be tolerated and this has highlighted that fact.
I see that the original designer has now decided to release the design under a GPL licence which is very generous, but let this be a warning to any designers from this point on. We will be monitoring the theme submissions more thoroughly in the future and will gladly name and shame any designer who takes work which clearly states it should not be cloned.
This does not affect anyone who ports themes or alters themes which are allowed under the rules of their licence, but
designers who copy themes such as that mentioned above will be dealt with harshly, honestly and with the contempt they deserve.