等了几天了,没办法只好再发个帖了,请大大原谅 (原贴:http://forum.lifetype.org.tw/index.php?topic=1372.new;topicseen#new)
前几天拜读了ffsword 的首页分类法 于是就依葫芦画瓢, 直接拷贝这段Code:
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/blogaction.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/defaultview.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/http/session/sessioninfo.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/errorview.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/view.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/plugin/pluginmanager.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/pager/pager.class.php" );
* \ingroup Action
* @private
* This class represents the defaut view in our application
class DefaultAction extends BlogAction
var $_config;
var $_date;
var $_categoryId;
var $_categoryName;
var $_userId;
var $_userName;
var $_postAmount;
var $_page; //add by FFS
function DefaultAction( $actionInfo, $request )
$this->BlogAction( $actionInfo, $request );
// add by FFS (for show page)
//$this->_page = view::getCurrentPageFromRequest();
if ($_REQUEST["page"]=="")
$this->_page = 1;
$this->_page = $_REQUEST["page"];
function validate()
// value of the Date parameter from the request
$this->_date = $this->_request->getValue( "Date", -1 );
$this->_categoryName = $this->_request->getValue( 'postCategoryName' );
$this->_categoryId = $this->_request->getValue( 'postCategoryId' );
/* if( $this->_categoryId == '' )
if( $this->_date == -1 )
$this->_categoryId = 0;
$this->_categoryId = -1; */
// **** add ****
if( $this->_categoryId == '' )
$this->_categoryId = -1;
// **** end ***
$this->_userId = $this->_request->getValue( 'userId', -1 );
$this->_userName = $this->_request->getValue( 'userName' );
return true;
* Executes the action
function perform()
// first of all, we have to determine which blog we would like to see
$blogId = $this->_blogInfo->getId();
// fetch the settings for that blog
$blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
// prepare the view
$this->_view = new DefaultView( $this->_blogInfo,
Array( "categoryId" => $this->_categoryId,
"blogId" => $this->_blogInfo->getId(),
"categoryName" => $this->_categoryName,
"date" => $this->_date,
"userName" => $this->_userName,
"userId" => $this->_userId ));
// check if everything's cached because if it is, then we don't have to
// do any work... it's already been done before and we should "safely" assume
// that there hasn't been any change so far
if( $this->_view->isCached()) {
return true;
// if we got a category name instead of a category id, then we
// should first look up this category in the database and see if
// it exists
$categories = new ArticleCategories();
if( $this->_categoryName ) {
$category = $categories->getCategoryByName( $this->_categoryName, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
if( !$category ) {
$this->_view = new ErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
$this->_view->setValue( 'message', "error_incorrect_category_id" );
return false;
// if everything went fine...
$this->_categoryId = $category->getId();
else {
// we don't do anything if the cateogry id is '0' or '-1'
if( $this->_categoryId > 0 ) {
$category = $categories->getCategory( $this->_categoryId, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
if( !$category ) {
$this->_view = new ErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
$this->_view->setValue( 'message', "error_incorrect_category_id" );
return false;
// export the category object in case it is needed
if( isset($category) )
$this->_view->setValue( "category", $category );
$users = new Users();
// if we got a user user id, then we should first look up this id
// user in the database and see if it exists
if( $this->_userId > 0) {
$user = $users->getUserInfoFromId( $this->_userName );
if( !$user ) {
$this->_view = new ErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
$this->_view->setValue( 'message', 'error_incorrect_user_id' );
return false;
// if we got a user name instead of a user id, then we
// should first look up this user in the database and see if
// it exists
if( $this->_userName ) {
$user = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $this->_userName );
if( !$user ) {
$this->_view = new ErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
$this->_view->setValue( 'message', 'error_incorrect_user_id' );
return false;
// if everything went fine...
$this->_userId = $user->getId();
// export the owner. The owner information should get from blogInfo directly
$this->_view->setValue( "owner", $this->_blogInfo->getOwnerInfo() );
$t = new Timestamp();
$todayTimestamp = $t->getTimestamp();
// amount of posts that we have to show, but keeping in mind that when browsing a
// category or specific date, we should show *all* of them
/* if( $this->_date > 0 || $this->_categoryId > 0 ) {
$this->_postAmount = -1;
// also, inform the template that we're showing them all!
$this->_view->setValue( 'showAll', true );
else { */
$this->_postAmount = $blogSettings->getValue( 'show_posts_max' );
$this->_view->setValue( 'showAll', false );
/* } */
// the more things we add here to filter, the more complicated this function
// gets... look at this call and look at how many parameters it needs!!
if( ($blogSettings->getValue( 'show_future_posts_in_calendar')) && ( $this->_date > -1 )) {
// if posts in the future are to be shown, we shouldn't set a maximum date
$blogArticles = $this->articles->getBlogArticles( $blogId,
$this->_userId ,
0, // no maxdate
'', // current search terms
$numPosts = $this->articles->getNumBlogArticles( $blogId,
$this->_userId ,
0, // no maxdate
'', // current search terms
else {
$blogArticles = $this->articles->getBlogArticles( $blogId,
'', // current search terms
$this->_page );
$numPosts = $this->articles->getNumBlogArticles( $blogId,
'', // current search terms
$this->_page );
// if we couldn't fetch the articles, send an error and quit
if( count($blogArticles) == 0 ) {
$this->_view = new ErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
$this->_view->setValue( 'message', 'error_fetching_articles' );
else {
// otherwise, continue
// the view will take care of cutting the post if we have the "show more"
// feature enabled or not... we could do it here but I think that belongs
// to the view since it is presentation stuff... It could also be handled
// by the template but then it'd make the template a little bit more
// complicated...
// ---
// before finishing, let's see if there's any plugin that would like to do
// anything with the post that we just loaded
// ---
$pm =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
$pm->setBlogInfo( $this->_blogInfo );
$pm->setUserInfo( $this->_userInfo );
$result = $pm->notifyEvent( EVENT_POSTS_LOADED, Array( 'articles' => &$blogArticles ));
$articles = Array();
foreach( $blogArticles as $article ) {
$postText = $article->getIntroText();
$postExtendedText = $article->getExtendedText();
$pm->notifyEvent( EVENT_TEXT_FILTER, Array( "text" => &$postText ));
$pm->notifyEvent( EVENT_TEXT_FILTER, Array( "text" => &$postExtendedText ));
$article->setIntroText( $postText );
$article->setExtendedText( $postExtendedText );
array_push( $articles, $article );
// add by FFS (for show page)
$blog = $this->_blogInfo;
$blog_id = $blog->getId();
$pager = new Pager( "?blogId=".$blog_id."&page=",
$this->_postAmount );
$this->_view->setValue( 'pager', $pager );
$this->_view->setValue( 'posts', $articles );
// save the information about the session for later
return true;